Saturday, December 5, 2020

COVID Stats Ranked by State

 It has been bothering me for a while that people just gloss over the numbers of people getting COVID and the number that have passed from it.  So I put together some spreadsheets to compare states' COVID Infections and Deaths and ranked them.  It is very telling as to who is doing well and who needs to work harder.  Sadly, my home state of Wyoming is in the WORK HARDER category!

Here are the rankings!  Yellow is Top 10 Infection Ranking, Red is Top 10 Deaths Ranking and Light Orange is Top 10 Population Ranking.

Please protect yourself, stay healthy and safe! 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Another Hobby of Mine, Grilling with Charcoal - a Hack that Works

So I have a few hacks in my life that I have either learned on the internet or through experience but not enough to devote a whole blog to, so I will just place this one here on this blog.

I love grilling food.  I have done a brisket on the grill, vegetables, meats, etc, but using a charcoal has a distinct con that a lot of the gas and pellet grillers harp on as the worst, the fact that you have to wait so long for the charcoal to get going.  I enjoy playing with fire and I just plan ahead 30 minutes to make sure that it is up and smoldering long before I am hungry.

Then I noticed something in my camping gear that I thought, that might come in pretty handy in making a fire.

How many of us have an air mattress and most of those come with an electric air pump.  Now mine has a battery operated pump that has done wonders when we were tent camping and helped us get up off of the ground [although the night was still COLD, but that is a story for another time].

Anyway the last few times of using charcoal I made sure that the the pump was near the back door so I could try it out.  Once I get the coals somewhat lit whether by piling them up or using one of those chimney charcoal lighting buckets, then just add the air.  I use the chimney bucket to get it going with some lighter fluid, that at least gets most of the briquettes lit, then dump them into the grill, re pile them so that the unlit ones are on top, then turn the pump on and aim it into the center of the pile.  In a few seconds you have a roaring flame that gets hot enough you better pull that plastic pump back or it may melt.  It takes less than a minute for it to really get roaring.  I then close the lid and let it burn for a minute.  I also can add air from the side so I will put the pump at the air intake and aim it into the center of the pile and let it go for about a minute.

After about three times, the coals are going well enough you can spread them out and get to cooking.

Yes, I know all I have created is a foundry, but it is so much more efficient and easier than blowing on them to get them going.  In fact, you can use these battery powered air pumps to start a fire pretty easy too.

I hope you found this helpful.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

2020 Protests Solution - LOVE not Hate.

This is a harrowing time. The Pandemic is in full swing, the public is not caring about the Pandemic and police brutality in a few places spurs violent protests and social upheaval. A good friend of mine wanted to make a sign to go the our local protest that said, "Where will it stop?"

His comments, the news and other feeds had all had an impact on me and my thoughts lately. Specifically, like many Americans, what can I do to help? Should I join the protests? Should I not? Should I call on my local, state and Federal leaders?

I found some inspiring new on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website. The efforts that the Church has been going to bring help to others is amazing. In the last two years The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints leaders have been meeting with the leaders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. They have instituted many great programs and are looking to further deepen and expand them.

“Unitedly we declare that the answers to racism, prejudice, discrimination and hate will not come from government or law enforcement alone,” they write. “Solutions will come as we open our hearts to those whose lives are different than our own, as we work to build bonds of genuine friendship, and as we see each other as the brothers and sisters we are — for we are all children of a loving God. … Oneness is not sameness in America. We must all learn to value the differences.” (

The piece is at Medium. Another Op Ed from the Detroit News in July of last year was in anticipation of Russell M. Nelson, the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, being invited to the NAACP 110th annual convention. They both show how we all need to take a look at how to share and serve and love each other no matter the differences. In that address, President Nelson invites all "We don’t have to be alike to love each other."

As the Medium article above states, "We agree with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s statement, that “hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.”

Love is all we need, to every person around us, all day long.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

COVID-19 Stats in Comparison with Populations of Countries

So with all the media and other attention about COVID, I have been wondering about the numbers of cases and deaths.  While I sincerely believe each death is a tragedy and should be mourned equally as much as anything as they were EACH a member of our human family with a father and mother and possibly siblings, uncles, aunts, children and grandchildren, it seems that we are not really able to compare how each country is faring with their abilities to react and control the spread of the virus.  Each country has had to chart their own way and it would be helpful for them to compare how they are doing in relation to the others around them, but the numbers of cases and deaths just cannot do that fairly.

SO, I decided to try a very simple comparison to the case numbers and deaths in relation to the population of each country.  I know there are many other ways to compare the numbers but this is my shot at it.

Here are the numbers as I have calculated them today, March 19, 2020.  Sorry, it looks like my table programming is lacking but I think the important numbers are there.  Of course these will change as the numbers increase but this could be a very good snapshot in time of where the top 8 countries are in their efforts and in my opinion helps us compare their responses' effectiveness.

Comparison of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by Population of Country

CountryPopulationCOVID-19 CasesDeathsCases per capitaCases per 100,000 peopleDeaths per capitaDeaths per 1,000,000  people
1China1,439,323,776  81,155 3,249 0.0000564        5.60.00000226          2.3
2Italy60,461,826  41,035 3,405 0.0006787      67.90.00005632        56.3
3Iran83,992,949  18,407 1,284 0.0002191      21.90.00001529        15.3
4Spain46,754,778  17,395    803 0.0003720      37.20.00001717        17.2
5Germany83,783,942  14,481     43 0.0001728      17.30.00000051          0.5
6US331,002,651  11,699    174 0.0000353        3.50.00000053          0.5
7France65,273,511   9,058    243 0.0001388      13.90.00000372          3.7
8Korea, South51,269,185   8,565     91 0.0001671      16.70.00000177          1.8

Now, I also had to create a way to show a number that can be understood since 0.0000564 under China Cases per capita is kind of hard to translate so I converted the cases per capita to cases per 100,000 people and deaths per capita to deaths per 1,000,000 people.

As can be seen by the numbers, the different countries' responses have had different results.  China has the most cases but the Cases per 100,000 people are near the bottom while Italy and Spain are near the top.  BUT under the Deaths per 1,000,000 people China is in the middle of the pack while the US and Germany are doing the best.

All around, I like this comparison better since it gives each country an idea of how they are doing in relation to their population and may highlight that more should or should not be done.  It also helps the citizens see and understand how things are faring.

It has been over 100 years since anything of this magnitude has taken place and I know it is scary but if we all do our part as members of each country and society, do as we are instructed and follow the health officials guidance, I know that we shall pull through this.

God Bless, stay healthy and safe!

Mike Robison

Friday, January 17, 2020

ANOTHER 52 Week Challenge 2020 - Gospel

52 Week Gospel Challenge 2020 (one for each week of the year).  Work is defined as a talk, article or book on a Gospel topic.  For a real challenge, make only one count for each category.
1. A work by your favorite Prophet or Apostle.
2. A work by a Prophet or Apostle whose work you haven't read previously.
3. A work released in the year you were born.
4. A work released in 2020.
5. A work released in 2010.
6. A work released in 2000.
7. A work released in 1990.
8. A work released in 1980.
9. A work released in 1970.
10. A work released in 1960.
11. A work released in 1950.
12. A work released in 1940.
13. A work released in 1930.
14. A work released in 1920.
15. A work released in the 20th Century [outside the years above].
16. A work released in the 19th Century.
17. The Book of Mormon.
18. The New Testament of the Bible.
19. The Old Testament of the Bible.
20. Pearl of Great Price.
21. Sunday School Come Follow Me.
22. Come Follow Me - Teaching in the Saviors Way.
23. Duties and Blessings of the Priesthood OR The Latter-day Sait Woman.
24. Jesus the Christ
25. A Marvelous Work and a Wonder.
26. The Miracle of Forgiveness.
27. January Ensign.
28. February Ensign.
29. March Ensign.
30. Arpril Ensign.
31. May Ensign - April Conference.
32. June Ensign.
33. July Ensign.
34. August Ensign.
35. September Ensign.
36. October Ensign.
37. November Ensign - October Conference.
38. December Ensign.
39. Gospel Principles.
40. Daughters in My Kingdom.
41. A Teachings of the Presidents.
42. Saints.
43. Our Heritage.
44. Church History in the Fulness of Times.
45. A Self Reliance Manual.
46. True to the Faith.
47. Religious Freedom.
48. The Family A Proclamation to the World.
49. The Living Christ.
50. Preach My Gospel.
51. Family Guidebook.
52. Entering the Holy Temple.
Extra Points:

2020 - 52 Week Reading Challenge

52 Week Reading Challenge 2020 (one for each week of the year).  For a real challenge, make only one book count for each category.
1. A book by your favorite author.
2. A book by an author whose work you haven't read previously.
3. A book released in the year you were born.
4. A book released in 2020.
5. A book released in 2010.
6. A book released in 2000.
7. A book released in 1990.
8. A book released in 1980.
9. A book released in 1970.
10. A book released in 1960.
11. A book released in 1950.
12. A book released in 1940.
13. A book released in 1930.
14. A book released in 1920.
15. A book released in the 20th Century [outside the years above].
16. A book released in the 19th Century.
17. A book that has had a movie or TV adaptation.
18. A book written after a movie or TV.
19. A female author.
20. A male author.
21. A graphic novel.
22. A fiction.
23. A romance.
24. A fantasy.
25. A sci-fi - Between the Strokes of Night, Charles Sheffield.
26. A suspense/paranormal.
27. An action/crime/adventure.
28. A war.
29. A thriller.
30. A mystery.
31. A historical fiction.
32. A Native American.
33. A young adult book.
34. A western.
35. A literature classic - East of Eden, John Steinbeck
36. A non-fiction.
37. An author's debut book.
38. An author from your state/province/[country].
39. A book originally published in a language other than English.
40. A book by an African author.
41. A book by an Asian author.
42. A book by an Australian author.
43. A book by a European author.
44. A book by a North American author.
45. A book by a South American author.
46. A book set in Africa.
47. A book set in Antarctica.
48. A book set in Asia.
49. A book set in Australia.
50. A book set in Europe.
51. A book set in North America.
52. A book set in South America.
Extra Points: